ABRAHAM (132): Hebrew "father of many"--the first Hebrew patriarch (Gen 11:26 etc.)
ADAM (15): Hebrew "blood-red, clay"--the original human, mankind (see Th 46, 85)
AEON (7): Greek AIWN ("unconditional")--used to designate either a specific limited era of time or eternity
ANGEL (21 21 29 30 56 59 65 ): Greek AGGELOC ("emissary, messenger")--here the observing angel/child of God, and thus one's true self (Mt 18:10, Lk 20:36, Comment following Tr below)
ANOINTED (20): Hebrew "Messiah" = Greek XPICTOC--in ancient Israel priests and prophets and monarchs were installed by crowning with an olive-oil ointment (Ex 29:7, I-Ki 19:16, II-Sam 2:4--hence Lk 4:18, Mt 26:6-7); see Gen 28:18, Ex 30:22-33
APOSTLE (18): Greek APOSTOLOS ("sent forth")--one who is commissioned
APOSTOLIC (18): Greek APOSTOLIKOS ("follower of the Apostles")
ARAMAIC (20): Semitic common language in the later ancient world (II-Ki 18:26), source of Hebrew square-letter alphabet and the language of Abraham (Dt 26:5) as well as of Christ in his ministry (Mk 5:41, 7:34, 15:34, Mt 27:46)
ATONE (8): Greek LYTPOW ("cover, substitute"; as in "Yom Kippur": "Day of Atonement")--personal sacrifice or suffering by the guilty or by the innocent which reconciles the guilty (Lev 1:1-4, 16:1-34, Mt 5:10-12, 20:28, Th 58, 68, 69a); see Ph 73 and SACRAMENT
AUTHORITY (13): Greek APXWN ("original-being")--an official within the system
BAPTISM (47 73 81 82 96 97 101 115): GkBAPTISMA (immersion); the sacrament of spiritual cleansing re the Torah— see Sacrament, Isa 1:16-17, Mk 1:4, Mt 28:19, Ac 1:22, Tr 37,
BRIDAL-CHAMBER (65 71 72 73 82 94 95 101 108 112 131 143:); (79 84 86 87 89: Gk PASTOSsee also Bedroom, Sacrament, and Ph 64 (the Sacrament of Marriage, the Pure Mating), 85 (the Sacrament of the Mating), 104 109 131 (the Immaculate Marriage), 142 (the Sacraments of this Marriage).
CAIN (46): Hebrew "production, possession"--that is, "(son) of me" rather than "(son) of God", perhaps indicating the original transgression of humans as claiming (Godlike) to create and hence to judge their offspring
CHRISM (28 51 52 71 72 73 80 81 88 98 101 118 141): : Greek CRISMA = (unguent) = the sacrament of anointing with olive oil, christification; see Anointed, Sacrament, Tr 41.
CHRISTIC (6 14 48 53 63 72 101 103 108): Greek CRISTIKOS ("follower of Christ") = Hebrew "Messianic" ("follower of the Messiah")
COMMUNION (106): communicating with God, prayer: The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 5th edition, CD-ROM version 2.0: ‘Communion: 3. Intimate mental or spiritual communing’, i.e. silent prayer— see Mt 6:6; (note that in Lk 18:1, PANTOTE PROSEUCESQAI enjoins praying continually).
COMPANION (36 59): Gk KOINWNOS (companion, partner; NB plural at Lk 5:10!); the feminine of this Gk word never means ‘wife’ (which would have to be GAMETH or perhaps GUNH, as in Mt 1:24); contrary to the claim made in the popular novel The Da Vinci Code (2003), the underlying Hebrew, (khaverét: companion), does not mean ‘wife’; it is found only at Mal 2:14, where it is explicitly distinguished from) (ishsha: woman, wife)— thus the commonplace masculine form: rbx (kháver: associate, companion, as in Ecc 4:10); furthermore, in his highly secretive Notebooks I.665, Leonardo himself unambiguously refers to that figure in his famous painting as a male! (‘Notes on the Last Supper’,); see Mate.
CONTEMPLATION (95): Greek QEWRIA -here meaning to behold thy imagery as God's own manifested imagination (Mt 18:10)
CONVOCATION (10): Greek EKKLHSIA ("called-out")--the assembly of those "called out" of the world (Mt 16:18, 18:15-20); this had been the term for the Athenian Assembly
DELUSION Confusion (10 18 22 74b 97 134): Greek PLANH ("confusion, straying")--hence "planet" as a celestial body which appears to stray relative to the fixed stars
DISCIPLE (19): Greek MAQHTHS("pupil, follower")in Attic Gk, used of the pupils of the philosophers and rhetoricians, as in Plato's Protagoras 315A--compare APOSTLE
DISPARITY (65): ("not in agreement, not conjoined")
ETERNAL, ETERNITY (9 10 109 143): see AEON
EUCHARIST (30 57 73 106): Greek EYXAPICTIA ("well-joying, thanksgiving")--the sacrament of the bread and wine (Lk 22:14-20)
FEMALE (18): here emphasizing the Holy Spirit as our Mother; see SPIRIT
GENTILE (4): Hebrew GOY ("body"!) = Greek ENIKOC--non-Israelite, pagan, nationalist, as in Ps 2, Mt 18:17, 20:25, 24:9, Ac 4:25-26
HEBREW (1 6 18 50) "cross over, beyond, passer-by, transient" (Th 42!)--the lineage of Shem and especially of Abraham (Gen 10:21, 14:13, 16:15: Ishmaelites!)
HEIR (98): ( seed, sperm); in light of Ph 18, and as with Gk SPERMA in Ph 108, this term must here be a metaphor for ‘heir’ rather than meaning literally ‘progeny’.
HOPE (122): Greek ELIC ("expectation")--not mere wishing, but rather anticipation
IONIAN (20): Greek IONIOC ("violet") = Hebrew ("wine")--Hebrew name for the Greeks (Gen 10:2-4, Isa 66:19, Dan 8:21); the coast of Asia Minor (now Turkey) was where Greeks met the middle-eastern civilizations, acquiring the Semitic alphabet via the Phoenicians ("violets", Greek name for the Canaanites of Gen 10:6-19, 12:5-7)
JERUSALEM (22): Hebrew "foundations/city of peace"--Hebrew YARAH ("directive") is the root of both "Jeru-" and "Torah"
JORDAN (88): Hebrew "descender"--the river of the Holy Land
JOSEPH THE CARPENTER (98): Joseph = Hebrew "addition" (Mt 1:18, 13:55)
LEVI (58): Hebrew "join, convert"--the OT patriarch of the priestly line; Ph 58 could thus be interpreted: "The Lord went into the dyeworks of conversion...." (Isa 14:1, Zech 2:11)
MAGDALEN (36): Hebrew "great, watchtower" (Lk 8:2, Jn 20:1-18); it should be noted that ATW in Jn 20:17 means not "touch" but rather "kindle"
MATE (30 36 64 65 80 86 87 89 119 120 131 134 142 ): Greek KOINWNIA ("common-being")--communion, union between the sexes cp. Israelite ‘concubinage’, non-marital sexual union (in which any offspring do not inherit), as Abraham with Hagar and Ketura (Gen 16 & 25:1-6) or King David (II‑Sam 15:16)— forbidden neither by the Torah nor by Christ (Ex 20:14, Lev 20:10, Mt 5:28 refer only to the wife of another man, not to an unmarried woman or a widow); see Companion, Prostitution, Sacrament and Unite.
MEASUREMENT (51): ("of-weighing") is apparently here being punned with ("Messiah")
MESSIAH (20): Hebrew --see ANOINTED
MESSIANIC (6): Hebrew "Messiah" with Greek suffix -IKOC (thus "follower of the Messiah")--see CHRISTIC
MIRRORED (65 93): Gk EIKONIKOS: imaged;
MODE (122): Greek EIDOC ("form")--the term for the Platonic forms (often as IDEA) as well as the Aristotelian species; note also the evident allusion to the four primary elements of ancient physics: earth, water, air, and fire (recast in modern formulation as the four basic states of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma)
MYSTERY (21 64 73 85 89 104 131 136 142) Greek MYCTHPION--secret or sacrament, a term borrowed from the ancient Mediterranean "Mystery Religions"; see Ph 73
NAZARENE (20): Hebrew "of Nazareth" (NT Greek spelling NAZAPHNOC, as in Mk 1:24); to be carefully distinguished from:
NAZIRITE (51): Hebrew "consecrated, crowned" (LXX and NT Greek spelling NAZWPAIOC, as in Num 6:1-8, Jud 13:5-¯Mt 2:23)--Hebrew holy man or woman with uncut hair, abstaining from products of the grapevine, and avoiding corpses
NOVICE (1): Greek POCHLYTOC ("proselyte, toward-comer")--a Torah convert (Num 9:14) such as St. Nicholas of Antioch ("Santa Claus", the first Gentile disciple) at Ac 6:5; see LEVI, also Jn 21:3-6 re "fishing for men"
OINTMENT (104): the Chrism or oil of anointing--see CHRISM
PARADISE (15): Greek APADEICOC--Persian word meaning "garden/park"
PATRIMONY (64): ritualistic attribution of the begetting of children to human parents rather than directly to God ("matrimony ®-¯ patrimony" or "marriage ®-¯ inheritance" signifies mutual logical entailment, as in Gen 25:5-6)--see CAIN, Dt 14:1, Hos 1:10, Mt 23:8-9, Jn 1:12-13, 11:52, (15): Greek TELEIOC ("completed")--Biblical morality exhibits a three-valued rather than a binary logic: evil/wrong (in violation of the Torah), good/right (in accordance with the Torah), and perfect (in accordance with the Messiah); see Mt 5:48, 19:16-21
PHILIP THE APOSTLE (98): Mk 3:18 ("Philip" = Greek FILOS-IPPOS ® FILIPPOS:: "friend of horses")--to be distinguished from:
PHILIP THE EVANGELIST (Colophon): Ac 6:1-6, 8:4-40, Ac 21:8 ff.--author of this text
PROSTITUTION (131): Greek PORNEIA (from PERNHMI: "to sell")--means not "fornication" (non-adulterous sexual relations outside of marriage) but rather "prostitution" (commercial or cultic sexual relations, as in "porno-graphy"); see Mk 7:21, Th 105, as well as Bruce Malina's article in the journal Novum Testamentum 1972; forbidden by Dt 23:17
REBIRTH (72): Greek GENETH ANW0EN (both: "generation up-place")--can equally mean "birth from above" or "birth again" (compare Jn 3:3 with 3:31)
RECOGNITION (13 116 122 127 133 134 ) Greek GNWCIC ("gnosis")--this important term means personal acquaintance rather than mere intellectual knowledge; see Th 3, 5, Tr 1
SABBATH (7): Hebrew "repose"--the (7th) day of rest; see Ex 21:8-11, Lk 6:1-11 (especially Lk 6:4+ in Codex D [Bezae]: "laboring on the Sabbath"; Nestle-Aland Greek NT textual notes), Th 27, P. Brown in Novum Testamentum 1992 [Jn 5:19!]
SACRAMENT (64 73 85 104 131 142) see MYSTERY--Ph 73 gives a list of five Sacraments
SPIRIT (6): Greek NEYMA = Hebrew RUAKH (a feminine word!)--in both languages the word for "spirit" is like "breath" or "wind"
SYMBOL (72 74a 106 136 140) Greek TUPOS ("mark, alphabetical letter, pattern, model")
TORAH (100): Hebrew "directive"--the 613 commandments or "mitzvot" of the Old Testament Law, also specifically the five books of Moses (Gen-¯Dt); Mt 5:17-19
TRANSITION (68): Greek MESOTHS ("middle")--between two alternatives, neither the one nor the other (Rev 3:16)
TRUST (4) (122): Greek PISTIS ("trust, faith")--not mere factual opinion, but rather personal confidence in someone or something
UNITE (65 116 120 137): ("combine or couple, copulate")
WISDOM (39 40 43 59): Gk SOFIA = Aram (khokmát, Ex 35:35); see Tr 16 30 34,.