FAQ: Reincarnation
To understand reincarnation, we need to understand the nature of our mind, and how our body and mind are separate entities.
If we understand the nature of the mind, we can understand the existence of
past and future lives.
~ About Reincarnation
Common questions about the concept of reincarnation
If people have lived previous lives,
wouldn't they remember them?
When a child is in its your mother's womb, or is a one-year-old, it is
not in a fit state to remember anything long term - so whether we like
it or not, it actually makes sense that most adults can't remember
anything from before a very young age, let alone from before this life.
Having said that, there have always been some people who have claimed to
remember past lives. Many are children, who may lose such memories
before they reach adulthood, while others get spontaneous glimpses into
their past because a specific event triggers the memory. Such memories
are as mysterious as any other unexplained (or psychic) abilities.
Unfortunately such people often keep these memories to themselves - for
fear of ridicule. If people are open to the idea, and approach the
subject with people in an appropriate way, it can be surprising how many
people you do meet who have experienced some kind of past life memory.
There are also plenty of books on the subject and some very compelling
cases indeed.
Regression therapy is yet another tool to delve into the deepest
recesses of our memories and many skeptical hypnotherapists have
conceded in the face of mounting evidence.
Why do so many people into reincarnation
seem to remember being someone famous?
Statistically, this is simply not the case. Many researchers have logged
thousands of cases of reported past life memories and most of them
describe being fairly ordinary types of people - mothers, soldiers, etc.
Many past life experiences have been submitted to this web site and the
vast majority describe past life scenes of very ordinary people.
So where does this misconception come from? Possibly because the
thousands of mundane past life memories are seldom worthy of note, while
much attention is often given to the memories of being someone
Having said that, there are definitely some people who claim to have
been a famous person in a past life, but because past life memories can
be so sketchy and history can often be so poorly and often inaccurately
recorded insofar as the private lives of such people go, many cases
appear inconclusive to the outsider.
If there's only a fixed number of souls,
how has the world population increased?
This is often heard from people who don't believe in reincarnation.
First, if people don't believe in reincarnation, why would they believe
in a limited number of souls? And one has to ask such people why they
really expect that there is a limit to life within in the universe.
However having said that, it is interesting to note that as man's
population has increased, the animal kingdom has gradually been
decimated - and that is where some mystics say human souls gradually
evolve upwards from. (Note the most plentiful forms of life on the
planet are insects, and think of the amount of forest humankind has
destroyed since the dawn of civilization.) Also of note, highly advanced
Yogis state that life exists on many other places in the unlimited
expanse of the universe, in which case the planet Earth would be only
one of many places for souls to inhabit.
So after we die, there's no eternal heaven?
Why not? Modern mystics describe a very pleasant area of the spirit (or
"astral") realms where souls can seemingly relax for as long as they
like. And supposedly some people stay there for hundreds of years.
However for most of us, we easily become bored if we're not doing new
things and accepting new challenges, so presumably that may be the
impetus for a lot of us to soon move on and then the cycle starts over
Isn't reincarnation heresy if you're a
For a Catholic, yes it is as the notion of pre-existence of the soul has
been anathematised by the Vatican. However at one time it was also
heresy to believe that the earth wasn't the centre of the universe and
Galileo was put under house arrest until his death in 1642 because of
his heretical views - views which have since been accepted worldwide.
What it comes down to is that the Christian Church is comprised of
humans and, like all things human, is most certainly fallible. It has
changed its mind many times on various matters over the course of
history and no doubt will do so in the future. It often requires
extraordinary humans to go against the status quo in pursuit of what
they perceive to be the truth.
Won't I have to stop being a Christian if I
believe in reincarnation?
Not at all. Religion is a personal thing and so is belief. No two
theologians ever have exactly the same views on everything! Jesus didn't
preach against reincarnation - in fact many believe that some of his
statements actively endorsed the concept, especially when he said that
John the Baptist was in fact Elijah.
Isn't it the devil's doctrine?
Well, for people who believe the devil exists, what would the devil
conceivably have to gain from people believing in reincarnation? It
doesn't give people a reason to run amok, or to stop being nice to each
other. In fact, if people accept the concept of karma which is
inextricably linked with reincarnation in most philosophies and
religions, there is a definite incentive to do as many good deeds - and
as little harm - as possible.
Conversely, reincarnation is taught by the majority of the most holy and
ancient religions in the world - which also espouse the same peaceful
values and virtues as does, say, Christianity.
How many people believe in reincarnation?
Statistics world-wide are difficult to obtain, but in the US the Gallup
Organization made a survey in October 2001 of Americans' belief in
psychic and paranormal phenomena. For this survey, they asked adults 18
and over amongst other things if they believed in "Reincarnation, that
is, the rebirth of the soul in a new body after death". In the results,
25% said they did believe in reincarnation, 20% didn't know, 54% didn't
believe in it and 1% had no opinion. Belief was only slightly higher
among males than females, while it varied significantly between age
groups: belief amongst 28-29 year-olds was at 25%, 30-49 year-olds were
at 22%, while people 50 and over were at 28%.
Common questions about how reincarnation might work
This section attempts to give answers to frequent questions about
how reincarnation might work by referencing various reincarnational
theories and schools of thought. While all could be said to be
speculative - as there is no way for anyone but the greatest mystics to
verify this - the ideas are still interesting and worthy of mention.
Are people supposed to look like their past
life self?
There is a theory that many people physically should resemble their past
life self. While this might seem at first to be impossible in terms of
changing race or sex between incarnations, there are many human features
which vary in fairly similar ways across all races and sexes. For
example. a high or low forehead, fine or coarse features, thick or thin
eyebrows, high cheekbones, etc.
While this would be unlikely to be an absolute rule, there are
interesting cases people have put on the web such as the case of General
John B. Gordon/Jeffrey Keene.
Do people reincarnate as animals and
Judging from the details of large numbers of past life memories, it
appears fairly unlikely that people reincarnate as animals or vice versa
very often at all. If human souls did evolve from animal souls, it would
seem that by far the majority of humans today had made this transition
many, many lives ago. And as people who remember past lives seem to only
remember human ones - even back to ancient times - it seems very likely
that once a soul is in a human body, it will stay returning to human
bodies as a general rule.
If people remember a past life as a
foreigner, why can't they remember their past life language?
For an example, let's take the case of General George S. Patton who was
fairly open about having what he strongly believed were past life
memories. If Patton remembered his previous life as a Roman soldier, why
wasn't his Latin better?
First of all, in his poem "Through a Glass Darkly", he openly admits
that he had only fleeting memories of his past lives. He remembers being
a Roman soldier and some flashes from that lifetime but he didn't
remembered the lifetime with any great general clarity. In fact, he even
admits that he can't remember exactly which battles he fought in many
cases when he writes "I cannot name my battles, For the visions are not
clear, Yet, I see the twisted faces / And I feel the rending spear." So
he could recall some of the most memorable and often traumatic moments
for himself as a human being, but many technical points - which can
confuse many old soldiers - often eluded him. So I think perhaps we can
forgive him for not being better at Latin.
Further to this - even when we ourselves think of a memory from decades
ago, we find that words are often the first thing to be forgotten. We
remember the gist of what was said, but how often can we remember the
exact words used? It's mainly the strong emotions, the sights, the
smells and tastes which are etched strongly on our memories. The names,
places and dates and other facts however are many times hotly debated.
So it seems to be with past life memories.
A good example of how memories can remain but language can be completely
lost comes to mind. Many immigrants who spend decades out of their
country often forget their mother tongue completely if they have nobody
to share it with. A BBC documentary aired in the 1990s where a Ukrainian
man - who had spent the 40 or more years after the war in England -
finally returned to Russia to visit his home town again. He had relied
completely on English over those 40 years, but assumed his native
language would return to him once he returned home. In the end, he was
sadly mistaken and needed the services of a translator at all times. He
would still of course remember many, many incidents from his early life,
but no longer much of the language which had been used.
So from there it doesn't seem surprising then that most people who have
past life memories - which are usually extremely brief and vivid
"flashes" triggered at different times in their life quite outside their
control - do not have any residual ability in the language of their
perceived past life culture.
However, under hypnosis this can be a much different matter. One famous
example of someone who, when hypnotized, could speak a language to a
level he had not achieved and with a dialect he could not have known,
was of film actor Glenn Ford - who spoke 17th century French while
regressed to a past life.
What factors decide where people are born
in their next incarnation?
This is a common question for people to ask, and the answers can only be
speculative at best. One common idea rules that a person in their next
incarnation will be thrown together with the people they were most
emotionally attached to - either by love (including friendship) or by
hate. This would be a good incentive for people to never actually hate
anyone they don't like, so that fate would hopefully not throw them
together again. So a person may in some instances be reborn in a country
where the people they are closest to have ended up. As to whether this
is by their own choosing, who can say. Note that there is no reason to
suppose that with such a theory, these emotional chains would not also
work with favorite pets, physical locations, nations, etc.
We can also look at various examples for ideas. In one case, a man
who claims to have been a German soldier in the First World War
remembered in that lifetime seeing a poster advertising emigration to
Canada and thinking that this could be a nice idea. He now lives in
Canada, thereby giving some credence to the idea that one's own wishes
may determine the place of rebirth.
How long are people supposed to spend
between incarnations?
Looking at what people who remember a past life have to say, this would
seem to be very variable. Some people claim to have been reborn in less
than a year of their previous death, while others seem to take many
years or even possibly decades to return. One reason for this in
conventional mystical thinking is that a person who has passed on might
want to spend many years as a "guide" or "guardian angel" for someone -
perhaps a loved one. Also some lives are said to be so traumatic that a
person's spirit might take a while to recuperate from it. Or the person
might want to spend time with other loved ones in the astral realms
before returning. Again it is speculative here, but it seems a little
unlikely from what is reported that everybody would reincarnate
immediately as some cultures suppose - or conversely take 1000 years
between incarnations, as some mystical fraternities once stated.
Why can't everyone remember their past
If everyone could remember their past lives then there would be some
serious problems. For example, if a person were murdered, they might go
looking for revenge on their killer - or worse still, as everyone else
would remember them from their past lives, they might find themselves
being held to account for all their previous crimes/debts/etc. As well
as this, people would be tormented by every unpleasant memory they had
from countless previous lives. Forgetfulness even within a lifetime is
very important therapeutically as it allows us to let go of the many
painful situations which occur. As the saying goes: "Time heals all
wounds". Forgetfulness between lives would allow us to start afresh as
it were, without too much emotional baggage hanging over from the last
visit. However with spiritual advancement would come the possibility of
regaining access to those past lives, creating the challenge to deal
with and understand the soul's path up to that point.
Does everyone just keep reincarnating
If Paramanhansa Yoganada's book "Autobiography of a Yogi" is to be taken
at face value, then the cycle of reincarnation can definitely be broken.
His guru's guru, Lahiri Mahasaya, was said to have finally broken out of
the cycle of rebirth by breaking free of the bonds of karma (see chapter
34). Perhaps this level of spiritual achievement is not even necessary
to break the cycle for some, and possibly desire to exist somewhere else
is simply enough. Of note, most religions which contain reincarnation
usually see it as a limited cycle which doesn't go on forever - perhaps
ending when the soul has fulfilled certain requirements.
Why does nobody I know seem to have past
life memories?
It may seem odd that reincarnation is talked about and is a more
commonly held idea than many people might think, but most people never
hear first hand about anyone's insights into their past lives. While
having a past life memory appears statistically not to happen to the
majority of people, there are many people who do have such experiences.
However these experiences are often seen as being intensely personal and
too easily a cause for embarrassment or mockery from people who don't
believe in such things. Hence the vast majority of people who have past
life memories do not tend to share them with friends or coworkers.
Having said that, once the subject crops up in conversation in an
informal atmosphere it can be surprising what people will tell you if
they are assured that you are open-minded and they are not going to be
scoffed at.r hypnosis a subject has not
only recounted details from what appears to be a previous life, but also
spoken a foreign language of which they claimed to have little or no
previous knowledge.