Reunion in spiritual form with the other half of one's true Godly Origin is only possible when one reaches the level of ascension that reunites them with their God Self.
Soul Reunion
The moment your soul was created it possessed male-female, yin-yang polarity and energy. God's love for you made sure that these two forces of consciousness, the masculine and feminine, would be bound together throughout eternity. The two halves have been called twin souls, twin vibrations, twin rays or twin flames. Said another way, you only have one twin aspect of your soul in the entire universe who vibrates at the same frequency of light that you do. This is quite an awesome thought. However, the story is a bit more involved than this simple explanation. Source: Twin Soul Relationships
Twin Reunion...
Reunion in spiritual form with the other half of one's true Godly
Origin is only possible when one reaches the level of ascension that
reunites them with their God Self. This can be experienced while in
physical form if both beings are interconnected on high enough levels
with their Holy Spirit which then enables them to recognize and to
experience the connection of origin. Essence is spirit long before
matter existed. We existed as God (male & female), then as the
Son, we then became the Holy Spirit (Sons and Daughters of Christ)
which together created the holy trinity). From then on the one in three
and the three in one created through themselves new energy and essence
We then get into creation which is quite a story. That could take
millions of years to explain. One of the stories starts where The Three
created The Powers of Nine. The Nine created nine equaling eighty one.
Seventy two became the Tree of Life and the other nine stayed in essence
form as the Free Spirits that council between God and the other God Self
power essences. This is where our story of creation begins. The
variations of the story are endless as are your experiences as essence,
spirit and soul. You have had experiences as all kinds of heavenly
bodies. Starting as stars, then as etheric spiritual embodiments,
angels, ET's and now as terrestrial beings- spiritual beings having
physical experiences on planets created of our own star essences and
from the love of God. Many of us are awakening to the fact that we
really are Hu-man or at least that we are capable of evolving into this
higher spiritually aware species of mankind that helps God create Heaven
on Earth.
When creation began, the first creation was the Holy Spirit of Love,
today called Divine Consciousness or Christ Consciousness. The Beingness
of this divine state re-created Father/ Mother God, because before
giving birth to Divine Love they existed only as a female (proton)
and male (electron) energy essence. This was the creation of
the first atom that existed as the electron, proton and neutron which
stands for divine wisdom, divine love and divine consciousness which is
The Son. This is the reason Jesus has been called the first born of God
and the essence of God at the same time. He was the full presence of
living Christ Consciousness in a human body and at the same time was the
full essence of the Father (wisdom) and the Mother (unconditional
love). There have been a few Beings who have carried the Christ
Energy here on Earth. Jesus just happens to have been made the most
famous during our times. Right now there are nearly 10,000 people
carrying Christen energy within them. The Christ Mind is something that
is available to all humans; it is our birthright as Children of God.
Once the light centers within are awakened the Christ Light begins to
shine forth.
When carrying the Christ Energy within we also become fully aware of our
connection to Father/Mother God and are able to also teach mankind the
truth of the heavens and know that every creation has the same essence
within it to grow into a true conscious Son/ Daughter of God. This is
why Jesus said you can only come to the Father through Me. He was saying
that you can only come to the Father through Unconditional Love and
Christ Consciousness because then you ascend as a Son or Daughter of
God. ~
Laura Lynn Scholl
Laura Lynn Scholl was asked to write down this book to be received by those ready to know the truth. The book reveals how each of us create our own inner world and how we contribute to creating what is experienced by everyone on Earth. This book will open up and awaken those that are ready to heal and begin returning to wholeness. The Book is a clear, shining diamond, a wondrous gift from the heavens to mankind.
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